My kids have been out of school a week. We’ve been to the lake twice and we already have had swimmers ear. I can’t believe it. Have you ever had swimmers ear? You can tell it’s not an ear infection because the outside of the ear is what hurts. Not the inside of the ear like an ear infection.
We went to the lake yesterday and by last night my son was complaining about his ear. I remembered the old remedy my great aunt gave us all the time when we were younger. So I went to my kitchen and whipped it up. Here’s the recipe. It’s so simple.
Equal parts rubbing alcohol and vinegar. In this case I did 1 tbs rubbing alcohol and 1 tbs vinegar. I put it in a container with a lid and used an old medicine dropper to drop 5 drops per ear. You put it in one side. Wait 6 minutes let them flip their head and put it in the other side. Let that side rest 6 minutes then they can go about their day. My sons ear was feeling better in a little over an hour. I plan on putting the drops in his ear for another day or so to make sure it’s completely cured. Swimmers ear hurts but it’s not too hard to cure!
This is not medical advice and should not be taken as such. Please contact your doctor if you think it could be anything like an ear infection or anything else. I am not a doctor nor do I play one on tv.
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