I have found some great reads and recipes from some of my very best friends online. We are such a tight knit group and I love that I can turn to them when I need something and that they turn to me. Can you love on their posts for me? They wrote up some great stuff. Read on!
Dana who blogs at Pittsburgh Frugal Mom shares her review of treats from The Protein Bakery. These wheat-free, kosher, protein packed treats have been featured on Rachael Ray and Oprah! They are good for your body and it sounds like they taste divine as well! I’m excited to try some after reading Dana’s review!
Jenn from Coupon Queen That Saves the Green shares about Finding Dory! As soon as I heard about this, I was REALLY excited. We love Finding Nemo, so I can’t wait to see the sequel!
Shanaka at Mama Bee Does has beautiful pictures of the Burg Nanstein in Germany on her blog. After looking at the pictures and reading just a little about this castle, I totally want to visit now! I love old buildings and this is no exception!
Dina from My Un-Entitled Life has two great posts to share! First, she makes kool aid playdough with her kids. I LOVE that her family always has a good time together! We’ve also made this kool aid playdough and it was a big hit! Second, she made brownies in the crockpot. Yes. You read that right. Brownies IN the crockpot. GENIUS! Just when I thought I couldn’t love my Crockpots more.. it happened!
Layne from My Best Laid Plans shares her recipe for Honey Oat Bread baked in the bread machine! It’s easy, satisfying and delicious! Plus, you can still use the recipe even if you don’t have a bread machine.
I hope you’ve enjoyed all these posts as much as I have!
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