Thinking ahead here for the first time in a long time. Do you do Easter gifts for your children? Do you put them in their basket or do you leave it out of them. I usually get small toys and candy to put in their basket. They do not think there is some magical bunny that leaves them baskets. I try to get the toys and candy on sale as well. It’s hard to fund the Easter bunny some times.
Yes, I am a Christian and I do give Easter Baskets. It’s a tradition my family enjoys and because I enjoyed it so much as a child I am doing it with my children too. Aren’t traditions wonderful things? I love making cookies at Christmas with my kids. We also make a big cake for Easter and they love that too. Traditions are what you make them into with your family. Traditions mean so much to children. It’s a way for them to look forward and know what is coming and anticipate it.
Easter Gift Baskets are a wonderful way to celebrate Easter with your children. We have an Easter egg hunt and a big family dinner. Traditions are something to be anticipated by you and your children. It adds meaning to the mundane things of day to day life. Do you have a favorite tradition that you do with your children or family?
I used to do Easter Baskets when my kids were little, but now that they are grown I tend not to do it anymore – but reading this post brings back memories of the days when they were little so maybe I’ll surprise them this year and bring back the Easter Basket!
working on getting ready for the bunny