How to make Kool Aid dyed Easter Eggs
This is all over Pinterest right now. With my family’s love of Kool Aid we had to make it. I experimented with just 3 colors and loved the results. Here’s what we did.
Kool Aid dyed Easter Eggs in pictures
Here’s a great hard boiled egg recipe!
My thoughts on Kool Aid dyed Easter Eggs
I loved this and we will do it again next year. It did make little bubbles appear all over the egg. Next time I’m adding 1 tsp of vinegar to each kool aid cup. That’s supposed to keep the bubbling at bay! I don’t know about you but I always have kool aid in my cabinets. So if I never remember to get an egg dye kit at the store I’m ok! Try it and let me know your thoughts on Kool Aid dyed Easter Eggs.
Before you go join us in the fun over on facebook, pinterest and instagram! We can’t wait to see you there! Go to see more Easter projects and fun here.
Check out my other Easter posts of either crafts or recipes. Kool Aid Dyed Easter eggs,Deviled Egg dip, easy and inexpensive Easter table decorations, Easter Egg nest sugar cookies recipe, 10 must haves for Easter baskets and finally the Easter Bunny Craft using a toilet paper tube. I found more recipes! Here’s the how to roast asparagus which is a great Easter side dish, cola baked ham is great for Easter, sunflower chocolate cake made with peeps and since it’s Easter how about an article on tips to eat less (needed by me especially at the holidays)! Enjoy! Before you go follow me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram to see more fun and crafts too.
I didn’t know you could use Kool-Aid!
Serena L.
I seriously never thought of using kool-aid. Thank you!!
Maybe add a little vinegar to avoid the bubbles?
Huh, I always wondered what the vinegar was for! Thanks for the tip!