Top 5 Presents to Keep Your Child Productive
If you’re buying gifts for your children, the latest electronics may top their wish list. They may request gaming systems, iPad, smartphones and other types of electronics. Although iPads and video games can be used for educational purposes, you may prefer gifts that won’t have your kids glued to a computer screen.
Most kids would rather stay indoors and play video games than explore the world or participate in sports. In many cases, this is all they know. However, you can take steps to change your child’s mindset and help him see beyond electronics.
Here are five excellent gifts to keep your child productive.
1. Skateboard or roller skates. Maybe the other kids in your community stay indoors, which prompts your kid to stay inside as well. Give a gift that’s sure to make him or her venture outdoors. Even if you kid hasn’t spent much time playing outdoors, a skateboard or roller skates may move him to put down the video game controller. This is an excellent way for your kid to workout and maintain a healthy weight. Plus, neighborhood kids might join in the fun and ditch their electronics.
2. Guitar. If your kid has a passion for music, explore this passion with a guitar. Give your kid private lesson so that he’ll learn how to play electric guitar strings correctly and create his own music. As your child develops a strong interest in music and his guitar, he may spend less and less time in front of a computer screen.
3. Build a treehouse. Nowadays, parents can’t pay children to play outdoors. Perhaps the main problem is lack of outdoor entertainment. Build your child a treehouse and this might encourage outdoor play. The treehouse can be his personal space fitted with his favorite toys and games.
4. Camera. Want your child to explore the world around him? Give him a camera and encourage him to take pictures of his surroundings. With a camera in hand, your kid might spend hours outside capturing the beauty around him. Take him to different parks and other scenic spots in the local area.
5. Art kit. Hidden talent in common in children. But with the right tools and supplies, you can help your child discover creative abilities. If your child constantly draws or doodles on his notebooks, give him a sketch pad and drawing pencils, or an easel and paintbrushes. As a bonus, enroll him in art classes.
Some children don’t take the initiative, and with regards to exploring and discovering new interests, parents have to take the lead. Give your child a productive gift and you can break his dependency on electronics.
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