If you’ve ever been out of work for any period of time you know how frustrating it can be to find a job. Why not be proactive and go to school while you look for work? You can learn mortgage broker training at any time and it is a skill that would be well utilized as the market is continuing on an upswing. Houses are being sold more now then they were two years ago. If you’re not into becoming a mortgage broker then there are other jobs out there looking for qualified individuals.
My neighboring county is constantly looking for teachers. They are looking for business individuals who are tired of the rat race and looking for a change. They are also looking for veterans. How can they put you in a classroom? They don’t, not right away. They put you in a classroom and train you to be a teacher in the county that you are needed in. It’s a great way to feel like you are giving back to your community and also making a difference in the life of a child.
If you’ve recently lost your job just remember that the door that is closing will also allow a window to open. That window may take a few weeks or even months to reveal itself to you. Hopefully you will see a new opportunity on your horizon and be in the position to take advantage of it. Good luck in your job search!
This post was sponsored by Training Pro.
Great point — there’s always a window opening somewhere.. You just have to be patient & positive to find it! 🙂
Totally agree about one door closing and another opening. 🙂
Great post. I know many people who take the time between jobs to go to school and further their education. It’s a great idea.
Totally agree, continuing school at anytime is a great to find a great job.