Fox invited me to attend a screening of Parental Guidance. So my dh and I took that as a sign we were due a date night and off we went. It was a wonderful night. I love Billy Crystal and his movies. Ever since When Harry Met Sally and even City Slickers and Analyze This he’s been a favorite of mine. Billy Crystal hit one out of the park with this movie. He’s a huge baseball fan, get it…anyone? Ok, ahem, it’s about the generational gaps and how we raise our children differently then our parents raised us. It was smart, funny, sweet, charming and yes, it even made me cry. It’s a touching story about how a father sees raising his daughter and how she saw it.
If you have a spare minute you must go see this movie. I loved seeing how the generations just do not understand each other. The grandparents were really upset to find out that every baseball game ended in a tie. I have to admit, I don’t understand that concept either. They don’t give their kids sugar, which I agree is a good idea in theory but I couldn’t do it. You know those movies where you see all the good parts in the preview and then there’s nothing else good in the movie. Yeah, that doesn’t happen here. We laughed out loud through out a good portion of this movie. It was such a sweet, poignant story of the generations trying to get along and play nice.
Have fun seeing this movie. You won’t regret going and you’ll remember the things it teaches you for years to come.
Awesome review– I can not wait to see this movie–I love both these actors–they are great–thanks for a great review
I entered ––MICKEY HAT
I really want to see this movie. It’s good to hear that it’s even better than the commercial. Thanks!
I haven’t seen the movie,but it sounds like it’s good from your review. I do like some humor in movies
Sounds like something I’d like to see. Billy Crystal is always funny. Thanks for the review.
Thanks for the honest review, I’ll definitely put that on my Watchlist. I like to watch movies that I would not be embarrassed to watch with my parents. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.