Me at a Mexican Restaurant on a date with my dh….what will I eat there now? 🙂
My dh and I have been together a very long time. 21 years to be exact. We’ve seen each other at our best and our worst. We both decided 2 weeks ago it’s time to get the extra weight off! I need to lose about 30 lbs. I would like to lose 40 but I’m making 30 my goal. We have both been tracking our food. He gets 2000 calories and I get 1300 calories. We are both working out every day too. When you track your food it really makes you aware what you were eating. Jeesh. Lots more veggies and fruits lots less processed foods. Real food keeps you fuller so much longer!
Today my dh has lost about 5 lbs and this morning down another .2. I have lost about 5 lbs and this morning was up .2lbs. Scratching my head. I walk around in a hunger fog. LOL I’m doing so good though. He cracked me up as he left for work today. He was giving me the pep talk. It took how many years to put the weight on. It’ll take a while to take it back off. Do I need to stay home so you don’t have a french fry fast? Bahahaha. No, go to work. Otherwise how else can I eat those fries?
I’m making a pledge on my blog to get the weight off. I will not be using any diet fads or diet pills. Just me and real food and working out! My poor kids! That means if I eat bad at lunch then they get chicken nuggets for dinner. hahaha. Dear Lord help me be strong, eat the right foods, work out, and get the weight off! Amen!
You go girl! I am on a mission too. Quit drinking cokes (my desert) for 3wks and only water and doing Slimfast 2 meals a day and whatever I want one meal. Lost 5lbs in 3wks. Keep praying! Hope school is going good! Good luck! U can do it!
You can do it! I went through the same journey and I did it the same way. Moved more and ate less. It is hard but so worth it! Blessings to you!