About three years ago I grew my hair out really long so that I could cut it and donate it to locks of love. Locks of love makes human hair wigs for children who have lost hair due to sickness, disease, etc. I’m so glad that I was able to do that and have been feeling the need to do it again. I color my hair. Hello, I’m 40 of course I color my hair. I was afraid that they wouldn’t take it but they did. Recently I cut my hair off again. But it wasn’t really long this time to begin with.
I think I will begin growing it out again. It’s such a worthy cause to grow it out and donate it. I donated over 10 inches, which makes a nice wig for a little girl. I hope you will consider doing this the next time you go get your hair cut. Just think about it. Wouldn’t it be such a nice thing to do for someone else? It takes very little of your time, the only money it takes is getting it cut and putting some stamps on an envelope. Then a little girl or boy gets a nice head of hair to wear when they leave their house. Something that makes them feel good about themselves. Do it if you can. It’ll make you feel good to know that you’ve helped someone else!
I donated my hair to locks of love back in May of 2002 and it felt great to do donate it. When got it cut it was the shortest length I’d ever had it (shoulder length). My hair was always long enough that I could sit on it. I’ve worn my hair shoulder length ever since. If I ever grow my hair out again and get at least 10 inches cut off I will definitely donate it again to locks of love.
I’ve donated ponytails of my 3 times to Locks of Love. I’m growing my hair out again and hope to donate another ponytail by the end of the year. If it’s long enough on 12-12-12 that’s the day I’m going to get it cut.
Awesome Ann! I have been thinking about doing it again. I actually cut mine short again…well short for me is shoulder length. But I’m thinking it’s time for me to grow it out over winter and do it again.
Whew Debra I don’t think my hair has ever been that long! wow!