I was so psyched to take part in a paying it forward challenge/post for children who are in need of school supplies. Gutzy gear and Madame Deals put out the challenge and lots of bloggers stepped up and said, “Yes, Please!”. Thank you Gutzy Gear and Madame Deals for making us think of others!
I was given $25 from Gutzy Gear and the Gutzy Gear backpack straps for the kids to bling out! I’m not a deal blogger but I have been known, especially at school supplies purchasing time, to watch the deals. The first thing I did was begin watching the sales. We wanted to be able to show others that you can donate and do it in an inexpensive way. So, here’s the loot. And here’s the breakdown of purchases.
I purchased 2 backpacks at CVS. Problem is I had not bought my girl one. So, I had to give her one and then I had one to donate. Total cost of this backpack 2.49 plus tax. Headed over to Walgreens. Got 2 backpacks for 10.00 plus tax.
Total for 3 backpacks 12.49! Woot!
Next, I hit Staples. I had a $15 gift card that I bought off a facebook deal online for $7.50. With that I was able to purchase:
Zebra pens $4.00 (with a rebate of 4.00 so free)
3 packs of pencils for $1.50
3 composition notebooks $.30
2 packages of highlighters $2.00
1 pencil box $1.00 (didn’t realize I’d decide to do 3 backpacks)
6 spiral notebooks $.06
1 4pk of glue sticks $2.00
Total at Staples $11.11 (which I actually purchased with my gift card I saw on deal from some other blogger on facebook, so less than $7.50)
Then I ran to Walmart for the rest of the supplies!
2 packs crayons $.50
2 packs colored pencils $1.00 and 2 packs markers $1.94
Total here: $3.44 before tax.
Total spent on donating 3 backpacks full of school supplies to sweet children who may not be able to afford it:
Drumroll please! $23.43 – $4.00 staples rebate= 19.43 before tax! Ta Dah! What a deal. Gutzy Gear then provided some great back pack straps to decorate for each backpack donated. I’m so excited to take them to the kids school tomorrow and give them to the guidance counselors. Giving back rocks!
Here the back packs are all ready to go!
You can do some donating to a good cause and do it fairly inexpensively if you watch the sales. Even if you wait til school has already started (like mine has), that way you can get good deals. There are always children moving in and out of districts at different times that show up at school without the supplies that they might need. This is so great so that teachers and faculty members do not have to try to decide how to come up with the supplies that they need. Great job my blogging friends. I hope you can see that you can donate and do it in an inexpensive way! Challenge your friends and see who can donate the most school supplies for the cheapest price! How can you pay it forward?
Gutzy Gear supplied me with the original $25 to purchase school supplies for needy children.
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