We’re thinking of where to go on vacation. I have never been to the East Coast and was looking at going to the Jersey Shore. But then I researched and found out how much there is to do in Central New Jersey. We love to take family vacations and there is so much for a family to do there. Here are the things that we have decided to do when we visit.
1. Liberty Hall Museum~ reviews of this museum tout it as a true American treasure. The Museum takes us down a walk on History Lane. It’s a great place to find out about New Jersey’s history.
2. Revolutionary War Sites in Perth Amboy has the Proprietary House The Royal Governors Mansion. You can also visit St. Peters Episcopalian Church which is the oldest church in the state (built 1698) and was used as barracks for the British troops in 1776. We love to study war and the history in this state is simply amazing. When you visit the Bluff you can see the site where a British ship fought with the colonists on shore. You can even see the Bill of Rights Arch which honors the fact that New Jersey was the first state to ratify the Bill of Rights.There’s a George Washington statue and a replica of the Liberty Bell.
3. In June there is a 5k and a Royal Ballet going on in Central Jersey. I would love to see the Royal Ballet. I will make sure to schedule us to be there when that is going on. How cool!
What a great place to visit. If you’re a homeschooling family or a family that just loves history Central Jersey is definitely a great place to visit. Make your plans to go there soon!
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