Move over Ebay, there’s something better moving into the neighborhood! The new penny auction sites have a booming business in this economy. The recession has hit us all hard. So, if I can purchase something for pennies of what I would have paid for it, then why not? I’d be crazy to pass that up, right? Have you ever bought or sold something at online penny auctions? I purchased my $18 retail value moisturizer there and paid .07 + 3.85 shipping. That is quite a savings.
Winter is when my hubby’s pay always drops. We plan for this every year. I know many people who are in my shoes and do the same thing. To plan for this, we stock up on canned foods, rice, beans, sugar, flour and so on. It helps to have a small stockpile to help us to spend less during the winter months. It also allows me to stretch our meals and plan for dinners. With the penny auction sites I should be able to find some great deals on anything I might need during this time.
His pay drops when we have 3 birthdays in the family. That is rough on my two kids and me. Hmm, maybe I should move our birthdays to summer. Well, before I do that I checked out the penny auction sites and found some amazing gift cards for pennies. There’s one for Panera Bread, Amazon, Chili’s and more. Be careful if you do buy gift cards from others. You never know if the money is actually on there. So take that into account if they do not have a score yet. Always be careful online!
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