I don’t always have New Year’s Goals. Do you? I decided I would try to come up with 10 things that I can do to improve myself.
1. Eat fewer calories per day. I’m not going to say lose weight I’m going to focus on trying to eat less than 1400 calories per day.
2. I just received a gym membership for Christmas. So workout 3 days per week in addition to walking my dog 2x per day.
3. Declutter more. I went to a friends house and thought I had a clean house. Ha! She has very little stuff anywhere! I can do better.
4. Make meaningful friendships. I need a few more friends. When you work at home it’s not as easy to have that co-worker relationship and I need to cultivate one or two.
5. Play with my kids more and give them more attention when they are home. I know I could do better. I get so focused on work that the edges just blur. My kids should come first not after my business.
6. Learn more html coding. I am seriously lacking in this skill and it would help me in so many aspects of the blogging world. Anyone have any book recommendations or articles? 🙂
7. Increase a more involved reader base. I’m not really sure how to do this but I know it can be done. I want my readers to want to read what I write. Not just visit for a second and leave. Ideas?
8. Learn more ways to make meatless meals. We try to eat meatless dinners 2-3x per week. My family loves pasta and ghoulash. Beans and rice are not so loved. Again, ideas for me?
9. Budget more and spend less. That is pretty self explanatory.
10. Work smarter not harder and do my work while the kids are in school. I should be done working when they are out of school. That gives me 7.5 hours to work. I tend to spend a whole day working on xyz. Then I break code and have to figure out what I broke and how to fix it. I need to prioritize and organize so that I am working smarter.
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