My friend, we’ll call her Mary, had lap band surgery about a year ago. When she started out she was about 324 lbs. She was having trouble sleeping. Simply getting around the house was a chore for her. Going to the store was not something she looked forward too. People can be so mean. It would burn me up to see people stare at her and make snide remarks.
One day she said, “I’ve had it”. Mary decided to research lap band surgery. She was so worried about going into the operating room and actually going under the knife. After looking at the pros and cons on paper she decided it was definitely worth a shot. Then she had to check to see if her healthcare company would pay any or all of the surgery. They did! I can not describe the look of joy on her face.
She had the surgery and hasn’t looked back. She is such a different person. Mary has gone from a size 24 to a size 12. As the pounds have dropped off her self esteem has gone up. There has been a direct correlation between her skyrocketing self respect and her pounds as they came off. I’m so proud of her. I was proud of her before but I love the person she has become. Thank you lap band surgery for making my friend feel whole again.
I am participating in a blogger campaign by Bucks2Blog for lap band
surgery and was compensated. However, the views and opinions are my own
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