I posted this in June as our plans for the summer! Here’s what we actually accomplished…or not!
catch fireflies (did this on Sunday night) check
go to the beach check
read a book on the beach check
grill out at the beach not this year
nighttime hide and seek check
visit the drive in (there’s one close to here and I’ve not been in um 30 years) nope
read check
use coupons a little (very little) check
visit friends check
go to the lake check
kayak at the lake nope
not get poison ivy (just sayin) check!
learn to cook turnip greens (thought I had lettuce growing…oops…definitely doesn’t taste like lettuce) check
swim, swim, swim check
lose 10 more lbs nope
try to go to bed at a reasonable hour and get up at 6ish to keep a schedule did very well here! check
eat healthier implemented less meat so check
go to the starlight movie house check
go to thrift store check
Not too bad! Maybe I can work on the others next summer. How’d you do on your bucket list? Hmm, maybe I should make a Winter bucket list. What do you think? Could be fun. Who’s with me?
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