Identity theft is on the rise. Identity theft protection is a good thing when you are using debit or credit cards. You can never be too careful. One late December after the holidays we had our credit card company call us to determine if we had put $2500 worth of luggage on our credit card. Uh, no! I can not imagine trying to pay that huge bill. With IdentityHawk you are protected with their identity theft protection program.
Having your identity stolen is a crippling event in the life of any person. Your credit can be frozen. Sometimes your bank accounts are frozen too. It can take up to 3 months to get your credit sorted out and that’s if you are lucky because I’ve also heard that it can also take longer. Make sure you are covered. It’s worth the piece of mind. Trust me!
About your only other option would be to go to a cash only basis. In this day and age not many people are cash only any more. But that is another way to protect yourself. However, as a person who does some shopping online that is not always feasible. You need some credit and you need some protection for your identity. Are you protected?
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