There are many decisions that go into trying to decide if you need to declare bankruptcy or not. As a daughter I had to make a very tough decision. My dad got very sick and was admitted to the hospital 2 years ago. He ended up being there for almost 6 months. During that time I had to pay his bills and decide what to do about his things. Since I wasn’t sure he would make it, I made the decision to let his house go back to the bank. The doctors did not think he would live and I couldn’t afford to make his house payments. I went back and forth with his mortgage company until I finally got them to understand that he wasn’t expected to live. Well, he did. Thank you God, that he made it. But now we have tons of medical debt to deal with. He needed to file for bankruptcy and quick.
Hiring a Bankruptcy lawyer is not as difficult as it seems. There are 4 things to remember before you hire your bankruptcy attorney.
1. Make sure you take advantage of the free consultation so you can ask some questions of your attorney. Ask how much the fee will be to complete the bankruptcy from start to finish.
2. Find out how many bankruptcies this attorney has personally completed and been in charge of and if he will be the one to be in charge of your bankruptcy all the way through. You do not want to hire a lawyer who will then pass you off to someone else less qualified.
3. Ask if they have any special certifications like from the American Bankruptcy Institute or other places that will certify them. It’s always good to know that they have taken classes beyond what is required to take care of you.
4. And last find out what this bankruptcy will do to you now and in the future. You need to know what you can expect after filing for bankruptcy.
A good bankruptcy attorney will be able to tell you all these things without blinking an eye. They will like the fact that you are making sure your bases are covered and they know where they stand with you. It’s your life. Make sure you ask the questions that need to be asked to get your case handled correctly. Good luck. Bankruptcy can be such a trying time. Hopefully with these few questions as safeguards you will be able to have a smooth transition to the life after bankruptcy.
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