what makes me say that? Well, I’m 5’1 and my hubby is 6’2 for one. For another, I walk around grocery stores with kitty litter buckets. Kitty Litter,that I will never buy, so I can reach what is on the top shelf. I even bought these beautiful shoes:
They are so dang cute! 3 inch heels and they were only $16! I love them! Can I walk in them? Not so much. However, as my dh says, you can wear them to my Christmas party. Um, yeah, I can but I’ll need a walker or 2 canes to get anywhere. Then, once there I must be immediately seated. Never to have to get up until it is time to leave.
I used to wear shorter heels all the time. Then I had kids and got rid of them all. It’s been flip flop city here for, um, 10 years. Now I’m back to wanting to feel pretty again. I’ve decided it’s time to get back to being me. I love heels! Ladies, if you are feeling frumpy, there is nothing like a pair of heels to make you feel sexy again! Go get some! I know some of you are thinking, I don’t need heels. No, you don’t. I do! Although I think I am going to need to work on walking in them. And the fact that they will only make me 5’4 doesn’t really do much for my height does it? lol Heels=feeling pretty! Think about it ladies. It takes so little to make us feel like a lady.
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